Market Commentary

Post image for Great pricing story: How exactly does the market work?

Getting the top price for their home is the subject of every discussion I have with every seller. What is the best pricing strategy and how important is it to achieve that goal? Here are some of my thougths on pricing and a good example on the workings of the market. This is not an isolated case, it applies to any home, in any area, in any market.

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Is Riverdale in a Bubble?

April 26, 2011 Market Commentary

Is Riverdale in a bubble? Has it gone too far? Have the prices been artificially inflated? Can they be sustained or are they about to burst?…

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Timing Is Everything… Or Almost.

April 7, 2011 Market Commentary
Thumbnail image for Timing Is Everything… Or Almost.

By not listing, Sellers have created a Sellers’ market. So why are they not using it to their full advantage?

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“Should we stay or should we go?”

February 1, 2011 Market Commentary

The biggest challenge for 2011, in my opinion, is the same as 2010, 2009 and 2008. Not enough product. Short supply will lead to continuing bidding wars

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