A New Year and a New Decade

A New Year and a New Decade

There are no numbers, graphs and charts in this newsletter. There is more than plenty of that in papers, news, tv, blogs, reports etc. Perhaps, there are no news in it at all. Simply a reflection of the decade and year past. As well as those ahead

Big surprise: when we all thought the world was ending, the Toronto Real Estate market had a mind all of its own.

While the world became paralyzed with fear – watching for and anticipating a repeat of 1930’s depression – the Canadian and Toronto real estate market took a two-month breather and marched forward with unprecedented force: demand surged and so did prices, in some areas by as much as 10-20%.

That is the million dollar question for which no one has a real answer. We can only read the papers, analyze the analyzers, draw our own conclusions and form our own opinions.

Here is mine. It is quite simple: if the great recession we’ve just experienced didn’t kill it, nothing will. It will take a force far greater than that and how likely is that to happen after what we had experienced last year? Not very. Markets are dictated by demand and demand by affordably. And we sure have plenty of both.

In short, yes, one doesn’t need to be a genius to figure out that the market will continue stronger and higher, onwards and upwards. Sure, growth may slow down (we have been saying this for the last 10 years and still, the market is not listening). I am convinced that will continue, perhaps at a slower pace, which is a good thing. It means more listings, more choice, more balance, less nervousness, less inflation. We will be better off if things actually do cool off a bit, but there is no fear of a reversal as some talking heads would have you believe. Markets are driven by supply and demand and we have no shortage of demand as the interest rates remain at the lowest they have ever been and the affordability factor is at an all-time high. It is this affordability that allows the first time buyer to choose home ownership rather than to continue renting and the move-up buyer to afford a larger mortgage and a bigger and better home without a huge increase in payments. I don’t see any real estate bubble here and predict that we will have a very strong year ahead of us, once again.

Those of you who know me know that I have always been a “Real Estate” guy. Real estate has allowed me to become independent, free of worry and to enjoy life. It allows me time with my family and my friends. It lets me do the things I enjoy doing. More importantly, it allows me to experience the joy of sharing my good fortune with others and of providing them with experiences they otherwise would not have had. (For example, I no longer travel alone, but only with my sons and watching the expression on their faces lights me up like nothing else). I buy it, hold it, improve it, invest in it and promote it. I convince friends and clients to invest in it. I believe in it. (You don’t need to believe me, simply look at what real estate returns have been just in the last five to ten years alone.) Those who listened made big and small fortunes. In the 30 years that I have been at it, no one has yet to complain about my advice. It allows you to contribute to causes that are meaningful to you. Real estate is simply a vehicle that takes you where you would like to be. It can make you financially free (legally and in one lifetime).

It’s a new year and new decade. It’s a good time to reflect on how you’ve done in the last decade and where you want to be ten years from now. Where do you want

I think I made my point. I‘m always happy to talk about how you can make it work for you.

2009 was a great year for me. Just like everyone else, I dealt with personal challenges. But I don’t know anybody who didn’t. Yet, looking back, it was a great year indeed. I spent a lot of time with my family and close friends, business was good, my health was great, I took the boys to Europe and to St. Thomas. I have a great life and I know it. So I don’t have any major New Year resolutions other than “More of the same, please!”

One more thought. Acquiring wealth and comforts, through real estate or otherwise, is not the end target in itself. The real issue is having a great life and what we do with it. Investing in real estate and helping my friends and clients do the same allows me the freedom of living life on my terms.

I know I contributed to the lives of the people I served. Thank you for contributing to mine.

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