Market Commentary

“Rate increase announcement just came in. What am I to do now?”

April 6, 2010 Market Commentary

Although the Bank of Canada is maintaining its position, major banks announced mortgage rate increases last week. No big surprise. We have been reading about it in the papers, we knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Do we need to panic now? Here are a few of the most common questions I […]

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A New Year and a New Decade

March 9, 2010 Market Commentary

A New Year and a New Decade There are no numbers, graphs and charts in this newsletter. There is more than plenty of that in papers, news, tv, blogs, reports etc. Perhaps, there are no news in it at all. Simply a reflection of the decade and year past. As well as those ahead Big […]

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Jim Flaherty announces tighter lending standards for mortgages

February 16, 2010 Market Commentary

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty Tuesday announced tighter lending standards for mortgages, saying that while the housing market is “healthy” the moves are needed to “help prevent negative trends from developing.” For full article see I have also asked my mortgage consultant for his views and comments on this announcement. They are as follows…

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Say NO to the new harmonized GST/PST sales tax!

October 30, 2009 Market Commentary

I don’t normally get involved in politics and leave this job to activists and politicians, but I can see the grave impact the new proposed HST will leave on every area of our economy and individual’s incomes and lifestyles, so I encourage you to read and act.

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